Onboardz.com, Onboard Video Production is offering free video and free photography to commerical interest such as Race Tracks of any kind, Sports Organization's, Ski Resorts, etc.etc. in the So.California area...
It doesn't look like the govt. is going to give any of us little guys a stimulus so it looks like we will have to create our own, so if you have a Track, Sports Organization etc. and you are in need of video and photography to help promote your business just use this link to check out our main site for raw sample video, images and more info... http://www.onboardz.com/
If you are Track Owner, Sports Organization etc. and would like details asap of this offer just visit this link http://onboardz.com/contactus.aspx which will take you directly to our contact us page just ask for "commerical interest details" and let us know if you are a track owner etc.. and we'll get back to you asap w/info for you to get started getting your free video/which can also be formatted for the internet and your free photography...To help in the promotion of your business...Contact us Today!!