Onboardz Cams Go Airborne w/ Local Female Stunt Pilot For A Look Into The Extreme World Of Aerial Acrobatics...

Our 1st encounter w/the extreme sport of aerial stunts came late last year when we were introduced to a young female stunt pilot who is also a flight instructor,wife & mother...Chari Wroolie, the young mother of 3 is a dedicated flyer and stunt pilot.

Below is some of the onboard footage we got from that flight, cam set-up was about 3 hours, as you have no 2nd chance we positioned cams in areas available to mount and really had to mount them w/extra caution w/ speeds over 140 mph and G-forces topping 4-G's there is no room for error on the cam set-up...The Stunt Plane is a Citabria..,& Chari & her husband keep it top notch shape...
The plane itself mainly consist of a very strong painted type fabric pulled over what I believe is a wooden frame, there is very little metal on this plane making camera mounting a bit of a challenge, you may notice in the video the fabric rippling in the wind on the wings and body...This makes it very light weight and vesatile. Perfect for performing aerial stunts.

We were invited back earlier this month to rehook up w/Chari and try some different camera locations,which are very limited on this plane due to mainly consisting of fabric, but we found a few new locations to try and test. Ran into 1 problem w/cam 3, with a power cable, so we had to cut out alot of cam 3 footage on this test,but have corrected that problem and look forward to the next filming session..Below is footage from our last testing session earlier this month...
All Stunts are preformed in a controlled airspace know as an "aerial stunt box" over southern california. We hope to film again soon w/Chari & may possibly be able to use another plane to film from, for an even better perpective, of her stunts, we would fly around the stunt box as she does the stunts and this would be great for editing in w/onboard footage for more of a complete video view of the great aerial stunts she is doing..
Female pilots have come along way since the early days of flying and Chari is continuing this long tradition of female aviators...
Onboardz would like to "Thank" Chari, her husband and everyone involved in getting us started w/ filming in extreme avaition and look forward to doing much more with extreme aviation filming..
Onboardz would like to "Thank" Chari, her husband and everyone involved in getting us started w/ filming in extreme avaition and look forward to doing much more with extreme aviation filming..
You can see extreme videos & more at Onboardz main site just "Click Here"
From The Weekend Extremist To The Full Time Pro Racer Onboardz Serves All Of So. Cal. & Beyond...